
Shower head low water pressure: 5 Causes and Solutions


Don’t ignore the problem if the water pressure in your shower fluctuates. Lower pressure might be more dangerous than you think, possibly involving major issues like leaking or damaged water pipes, and may call for professional assistance before escalating into a plumbing catastrophe at your house.

​However, if you have low water pressure in your home’s shower heads, you don’t have to put up with your shower problems. There are solutions available.

​How to Diagnose Low Water Pressure

Checking the amount of pressure coming from the shower head should be your first course of action if your water pressure feels low. Water pressure in a typical home should range from 45 to 55 psi (pounds per square inch).

​By connecting a straightforward pressure gauge to an outdoor spigot close to the main water supply line, you may check the pressure. Another useful spot to check the pressure of the home’s water supply is the cold water line of the washing machine.

​Low pressure is defined as anything less than 40 psi and typically denotes an issue with the water pressure entering the home.

5 Reasons for Low Water Pressure in the Shower

But occasionally, the issue is located inside the home. The five most likely factors that affect regular or bad shower pressure have been listed here, along with advice on what you can do right away to get your shower head pressure back to where it should be.

​While some of these reasons for low pressure can be fixed on your own using do-it-yourself techniques, others could call for the assistance of a skilled plumber.

  • Water Pressure Regulator Devices

There’s a good likelihood that your home’s water pressure regulator, which is normally designed to keep water pressure between 45 and 60 psi, is broken if the pressure in your shower head has suddenly reduced for no apparent reason.

​If so, rather than making repairs yourself, you might wish to get in touch with a plumber who has received specialized training. Water pressure regulators that are installed incorrectly might cause more severe and expensive drain repair issues.

  • Home Water Valves

Accidental cutoff of your home’s water valves may also be to blame for sudden drops in shower head water pressure. Your home’s main water valves, which are normally found in the water meter box, are responsible for controlling the flow of water into your house.

​Locate your home water valve and make sure it is fully set to the “on” position to take care of this very simple problem. If not, then doing this ought to solve your low pressure issue and get your water pressure back to normal.

​The water pressure in your home can be considerably changed by even a little or unintentional “off” position. The best part about misaligned home water valves is how easily the problem may be resolved.

  • Using Showers During Peak Periods

Sometimes, factors completely unrelated to your house or plumbing system are to blame for low water pressure in shower heads. If you use your shower regularly at busy times, such early in the morning or late at night, there’s a potential the performance problem is brought on by heavy water use in your area or building.

​If you think this is the case, check your water pressure during other times of low usage, such as when people in your neighborhood are returning from work or at times when local water consumption would be lower than it is just before work.

  • Mineral Accumulation Within Pipes

​​Mineral buildup is a typical cause of low shower pressure in older homes or those with obsolete plumbing systems that mainly utilize galvanized pipes. Over time, these mineral deposits accumulate.

​​You won’t be able to completely prevent mineral deposits and accumulation over time, despite your best efforts. Additionally, it can be very challenging to manually remove the mineral buildup inside pipes. In these situations, you should speak with a qualified plumbing professional in your area right away to have your pipes repaired or replaced.

  • Pipe Leaks

​​If worse comes to worst and you are unable to determine the root of your low shower water pressure using any other methods, there is a potential that the leaky or fractured pipe is to blame. Less and less water will be able to get to your shower heads and other drain fixtures as a result of these leaks.

​There isn’t much you can do to fix the problem if this is the case with your home’s plumbing system aside from calling an experienced, licensed plumber in your region. These experts can thoroughly assess the condition of your pipes using video inspection technology, and they can then utilize this information to recommend the best possible repair options for your broken plumbing.

How to Improve Shower Water Pressure

Low water pressure in the shower can occasionally be resolved with simple do-it-yourself fixes. On the other hand, the issue may have more to do with the integrity of your home’s shower head or plumbing pipes themselves and less to do with your water pressure and valve.

  • Check Your Other Plumbing Units

Check other home appliances and plumbing fixtures if you notice that the pressure in your shower heads is low. For instance, do your sink faucets also have low water pressure? You can narrow down the issue and determine whether it only affects your shower or whether you need to check for water leaks if the water is flowing freely from your sink faucet.

  • Check For Water Leaks

​While there are several things that can cause low water pressure, we recommend that the first thing you do is look for a water leak. While the issue may not be this severe, it is always worth checking for leaks to make sure that you don’t have a messier issue on your hands. 

Some common signs of water leaks include:

  1. Low water pressure
  2. Mold and mildew growth
  3. Increased water bill
  4. Wet spots on floors or ceilings
  5. Water stains on the ceiling
  6. Odd sounds or sewage smells
  • Clean Your Showerhead With Vinegar

​Cleaning your showerhead with a vinegar solution can be beneficial if you do have mineral buildup. Take your showerhead and place it in a bucket or bag with hot water and vinegar that is split 50/50. Overnight, let it soak in the vinegar.

​Mineral accumulation should be reduced if you rinse afterward before it becomes too severe. Make sure to use the hot water and vinegar mixture to thoroughly clean each showerhead hole to remove any mineral buildup. If your water is hard, you might want to do this more frequently or buy a water softener because mineral deposits will keep accumulating.

  • Determine If You Have a Flow Restrictor

​Remove a flow restrictor to improve water pressure in your shower head. In accordance with the National Energy Act, modern shower heads are equipped with flow restrictors to help minimize water consumption, while this is uncommon in older homes.

​However, removing the flow restrictor until you can contact a qualified plumber can temporarily help if your low water pressure is a serious issue.

  • Check Your Water Line & Valve

​Check your water line and hoses if your water valve is fully open. Work out any kinks in flexible lines so that the water flows freely. Flexible lines are frequently prone to kinks. To allow water to easily flow through your pipes, you must open the water valve if it is only partially closed.

  • Open the Water Heater Shut-Off Valve

​Do you have varying hot and cold water pressures? If using cold water improves the water pressure, your water heater may be to blame for the problem. If the shut-off valve is closed, open it and check to see if hot water solves the issue.

  • Flush Your Water Heater

​​You could need to cleanse your water heater, which is another typical issue with that has a fix. Sediment accumulation in water heaters is occasionally possible, and debris may be stopping your water from flowing. Your low water pressure issue might be solved if you drain your water heater and clean the water lines.

​​Plumbing Services

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with a licensed plumber right away if you are consistently having trouble identifying the cause of your low shower pressure or if you think you need outside assistance to repair your home’s plumbing system.

Ori Eilon

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