Summertime is when many individuals take their vacations! If you want to avoid returning home to a plumbing emergency, there are a few things you should do before leaving on vacation, whether you’re traveling abroad or staying close to home in California. Since you’re not utilizing your plumbing, it doesn’t follow that nothing could go wrong.
Planning a trip involves making reservations for lodging, transportation, and entertainment, but you need also have your home plumbing ready. Here are some plumbing hints and recommendations to assist make sure everything is in working order when you get home from your trip.
Turn off the water at the main valve if you won’t be utilizing it while your house is being occupied. This could stop leaks or burst pipes, preventing you from coming home to a flooded or water-damaged house.
You should drain your sprinkler system and turn it off completely if you won’t be gone for an extended period of time and won’t need to water the yard while you’re gone. Who wants to face a large water bill after an expensive vacation? Small drips or leaks can pile up.
Rainwater from your roof should be released through gutters at least 6 feet from the house’s foundation. Sadly, leaves and other debris can clog them, resulting in a foundation or roof that is flooded. Make sure your gutters are clean before you go for your trip so you can trust them to withstand summer rains while you’re away.
Although California homes don’t often have basements, they are growing in popularity. If your gutters fail and you have a basement with a sump pump to avoid flooding, test the pump by adding water to the sump pit to raise the water level. You’re good to go if the sump pump discharges the water as it should. If it doesn’t, make a plumbing check appointment before leaving.
Still water in washing machines and dishwashers can result in mildew, mold, and foul odors. Who wants that when they go home? Therefore, think about draining them before you go on vacation.
In addition to preventing floods, turning off your water heater will keep your energy costs down while you’re away.
While you’re away, clean up your drains, toilet, garbage disposal, and anything else that could emit a bad stench. Instead of utilizing hazardous and caustic chemical cleansers, we advise employing certain DIY remedies, such as baking soda and vinegar mixtures.
If you are fortunate enough to have a pool at your residence, you might decide that it makes sense to turn off the pump while you are gone. However, other issues such as algae buildup may result from this. Instead of entirely turning off the pool pump if you’re going to be gone for more than a few days, just set it to the best setting so that it keeps running while you’re away.
Before you leave on vacation, it’s crucial to conduct a quick sweep of your plumbing to check for leaks. Check for corrosion on appliances or humidity around appliances. Have a plumber perform an inspection if you think there may be a leak before you go on vacation.
Ask family or friends to check on your house while you’re away if you know you’ll be gone for a while. You’ll feel more at ease knowing that they can also get your mail and turn on and off the lights as needed.
Every now and again, we all need to get away from it all to recharge our batteries. Plumbing is, however, the last thing you should be concerned about while you are away. Consequently, remember to inspect your plumbing while you prepare your trip! You may avoid a lot of stress (and money) when you return from your trip by taking care of these 10 items before leaving on vacation.
Consider fixing a plumbing issue you may have before departing. Make an appointment with Galaxy Plumbing and Services.
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